SABAJAYA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat is an international, biannual, double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by SABAJAYA Publisher, with ISSN 2986-125X (Online). The journal focuses on community service and applied research, transforming the results of quantitative and qualitative studies into formats that directly benefit communities. It covers a wide range of scientific disciplines, including computer science, social sciences, education, natural sciences, sports, language, business and economics, engineering and vocational studies, as well as arts. By providing a platform for the dissemination of research findings, SABAJAYA aims to promote the practical application of knowledge to address societal needs and challenges.

Vol. 3 No. 01 (2025): SABAJAYA : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Published: 2025-01-07

Perlindungan Hukum Data Pribadi Konsumen dalam Transaksi E-commerce di Indonesia

Etty Zuliawati zed, U. Darmanto Soer, Nining Yurista Prawitasari

Pelatihan Mediasi Sebagai Alternatif Sengketa Tanah Pertanian

Sarminta, Darwin Sinabariba, Novi Juli Rosani Zulkarnain, Juli. R. Moertiono


Pelatihan Pengelolaan Sdm Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Umkm Dalam Produktivitas Penjualan

Rismawati, Purwanti, Abdul Halim Anshor, Donny Maulana, Miftahul Huda

Digitalisasi Marketing Pada Umkm “Nyam-Bi” Bidang Kegiatan: PKM Pengabdian Masyarakat

Pupung Purnamasari, Gebriyelin Yunia Nisci Faomasi Daeli, Syahdia Rafifa Agnelia, Muhamad Kemal
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SABAJAYA Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, with ISSN 2986-125X (Online) is an international journal and double-blind peer-reviewed biannually journal published by SABAJAYA PUBLISHER 

The Journal of Community Service, published by the Institute for Sabajaya Publisher, is a peer-reviewed journal containing scientific articles from various scientific disciplines adopted in various community service activities and other applied research.

SABJAYA: The Journal of Community Service accepts manuscripts or article texts in the field of applied research and downstream the results of community-based quantitative and qualitative scientific research into a community service format covering relevant scientific fields including:

  • Computer science
  • Social
  • Education
  • science
  • Sports
  • Language
  • Business and Economics
  • Engineering and Vocational
  • Art


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