Focus and Scope

The Journal of Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kepelatihan Olahraga Supply Chain promotes research in the broad field of Sport Coaching and Supply Chain with particular respect to Indonesia, but not limited to authorship or topical coverage within the region. Number of Disciplinary bases of Physical Education,

    1. Sport Pedagogy,
    2. Comparative PE and Sport,
    3. Games,
    4. Biomechanics & Motor Control,
    5. Sports Medicine,
    6. Sport and Exercise Physiology,
    7. Sport and Exercise Psychology
    8. Sports Coaching Theory and Methodology
    9. Physical Conditioning
    10. Sports Biomechanics 
    11. Anatomy
    12. Exercise Physiology 
    13. Sports Psychology 
    14. Sports Sociology
    15. Sports Nutrition 
    16. Sports Recovery 
    17. Sports Tests and Measurements